Levington Tomorite Concentrated Tomato Food is the country’s favourite liquid plant food for tomatoes, enriched with seaweed extract. It is ideal for tomatoes, vegetables and flowering pot plants and produces top quality, full flavoured tomatoes.
How to use
Use measure provided. Dilute 20ml in 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of water. Apply diluted feed to base of plant, avoid foliage.
Greenhouse: Start feeding when first truss of of tomatoes (stem with small green fruits) has set. In soil feed at alternate waterings.
Outdoors: Start feeding when second truss has set. In soil, feed every 7-14 days and use 4.5 litres for two plants.
Gro-bags: Use 4.5 litres per bag. Outdoors, feed once a week. In greenhouses, increase to twice a week when second truss has set.
Where to use
Levington Tomorite Concentrated Tomato Food is recommended for feeding tomatoes and other flowering and fruiting plants growing under glass, out in the garden and in grobags or other patio containers.
Fertiliser analysis
NPK 4-3-8.
Always read the label and product information before use.