RoseClear Ultra is a systemic insecticide and fungicide with 3 in 1 action. It kills aphids, controls blackspot, powdery mildew and rust and protects for up to 21 days to prevent further attacks.
How to use
- Shake well.
- Using measuring cap provided, add 20ml of Rose Clear Ultra for each litre of water in a pressure sprayer.
- Mix and use immediately.
- Spray evenly, to wet upper and lower surfaces of leaves. Avoid drift onto food crops.
- To minimise the risk to bees, spray early in the morning (7-9am) or evening (6-8pm) when bees are less active.
- Spray in calm conditions, avoiding bright sunlight, drought, and frosts. Pesticide resistance in some aphids is widespread. Where resistant pests are present, this product is unlikely to give control.
- On emptying container, rinse thoroughly by manually rinsing three times and dispose of container safely.
Where to use
Roses and other flowering and ornamental plants.
How often to apply
Repeat at 21–28-day intervals. If disease / aphids are already established, spray at intervals of 14 days. Where roses were infected with blackspot the previous season, spraying should start in spring as buds burst.
Contains acetamiprid and triticonazole.
Keep off skin. Do not breathe spray. Wash hands and exposed skin after use.
Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.