Exclusive Member Only Offers

As a member of Bents be inspired, you'll gain access to exclusive offers that are tailored just for you. With elite deals, promotions, & members-only specials, you'll enjoy perks that are restricted to our valued members. From insider pricing and private offers to invitation-only savings & club member exclusives, you'll have access to a range of benefits that are designed to inspire and delight. So if you're looking for a world of exclusive offers that are tailored just for you, join Bents be inspired today & start experiencing the benefits of membership. You can download our app here

Our members always enjoy more!

View this month's top exclusive offers below, with many more to find in store...

Your Exclusive December be inspired In-Store Offers:

24" Santas Member Price: £19.99*

*Non-Member Price: £39.99

Up to £30 off Bradbury Blue Spruce Lit Trees*

*Non-Member Price: Individually priced

Three Kings Pink Sparkly Faux Gift Boxes Member Price: £19.99*

*Non-Member Price: £24.99

Outdoor Acrylic Snowman 90cm Member Price: £89.99*

*Non-Member Price: £109.99

Christmas Jellycat Jack Member Price: £29.99*

*Non-Member Price: £44.99

Swan Slow Cooker 3.5L Member Price: £24.99*

*Non-member price: £59.99

Up to £70 off Snowy Yukon Slim Unlit Trees*

*Non-Member Price: Individually priced

Tower Buffet Server Member Price: £29.99*

*Non-Member Price: £34.99

Christmas Water Lanterns Member Price: £17.99*

*Non-Member Price: £19.99

Your Exclusive December be inspired Dining Offers:

Get a Snowy Road for £3.69 when you buy any hot drink*

*Non member price: £4.49