Weeping Ash Garden

Created by retired nurseryman John Bent it has been carefully designed to create tranquil scenes of clarity and perfection.
During the summer the Weeping Ash Garden is open most days - 11am - 4pm. Access at other times of the year can be restricted if the weather is poor. To avoid disappointment please call ahead of your visit to ensure Weeping Ash Garden will be open.
In 1990 John Bent retired from the family business and dedicated his time to the creation of Weeping Ash, the magical hidden garden located just next door to Bents. Transforming a piece of land that previously housed nurseries and greenhouses, John used his passion for gardening and his extensive plant knowledge to create a series of stunning visual sensations.
John has allowed plants to develop as they would in the wild, reseeding where they land and allowing natural progression and growth; nature at its best. Each section is hidden from the next and it has been carefully designed to create tranquil scenes of clarity and perfection.
Weeping Ash Garden is much larger than it initially seems with hidden paths and wooded areas creating a sense of natural growth and history making it hard to believe the garden didn’t exist when John started on his project in the early 90s.
The garden has recently been extended to add a further two acres including a central lawn, perennial beds, a new rockery and pond as well as a beautiful woodland trail.
A series of circles of different sizes are joined together using lawns, ponds and flowerbeds to create a wonderful sense of secrecy.
Different areas have evolved over time and are now hidden from each other by clever and imaginative planting. Secluded ‘garden rooms’ have created their own microclimates to encourage the growth of unusual plant types.
With its hidden pathways and wooded areas, it's hard to believe that Weeping Ash didn’t exist just 20 years ago. It’s a joy to experience at any time of year – intoxicating in summer and magical in winter.
The garden is open subject to weather conditions, and all proceeds from visits go to our nominated charity of the year. Seasonal group visits can also be combined with lunch at Bents’ Award Winning The Fresh Approach Restaurant.